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Singing as the Darkness Lifts 02/10/2023 (Episode 5)

Singing as the darkness lifts 02/10/2023

The sky held gentle cloud around a waning moon this morning. The light of a planet or star shone underneath and the air had an element of oak riding on it. There were small birds singing from the full 360 degrees before the jackdaw sounded.

The week included necessary appointments for flu jab and eye test – new reading glasses soon. There was soup made and shared with a friend and that gentle conversation that comes with being known. At the third myth poetry workshop with Anna Saunders the group shared a poem each and I was able to air ‘There’s a Doll Thumping in My Chest’. I am thinking that this will be my opener for my forthcoming reading at Gloucester and this poem will always have a special place in my heart because of its very origin. Matthew and Rhona and my diction and laughter ignited that spark. I don’t think I will give it out to people on National Poetry Day on Thursday though, that might call for a less dark poem.

My progress towards my coaching qualification continued this week and the first triad session was held. It was a very good day and I love the feeling of being a good coach. I will put a call out soon for pro bono clients so if it’s something you feel you might like to engage with then do let me know. I offer time and space to think, breathe and be in order to set future goals.

My new relationship with Mondays means that going away at the weekend is more comfortable for me at last. This weekend there was a trip to Leek for exploring, feasting and laughter with friends. This also included the unexpected sharing of a family room when a booking error was made which made us chuckle and gave us a new experience.

It was wonderful to read that my poem, ‘I Hate You’, was nominated for #BOTN (Best of the Net) at the weekend. I had just recorded it as my new poem of the month for YouTube as it is one of my favourites and it felt good to celebrate its publication in September by The Broken Spine. And there I was in a pub in Leek with a much needed soda and lime scrolling Twitter when I saw the news of the nomination. That made my heart sing. So many good nominations for Pushcart and BOTN and I am delighted to be among them again this year.

Here's to friends and all those moments that help us hear the singing as the darkness lifts.

'Family Room, Leek' #ElasticBandPhotos 

Here’s 'I Hate You' lifted from The Broken Spine website. Hugest thanks to Alan Parry for the nomination and the original publication.

If you want to listen to it read out loud (and I did receive a couple of nice comments about the reading over the weekend) then here’s the link:

'I Hate You' YouTube Link

Sue Finch’s first collection, ‘Magnifying Glass’, was published in 2020. Her work has also appeared in a number of online magazines. She loves the coast, peculiar things and the scent of ice-cream freezers.

I Hate You

said the cow.
Yeah, she hates you, whispered the grass,
hates you,
hates you, it swished on and on.

So I climbed the gate.
Get off, you’re too heavy, said the gate.
Yeah, get off, you’re gonna break us
said the padlock on the chain.

I stepped over a large muddy puddle,
marvelled at a greeny-brown cow pat.
Imagine creating that!
Then I remembered that the cow 
hated me
and I ditched my admiration.

Stop looking at me 
and notice how quiet it is, stupid,
said the cowpat.

I lifted my head to the clouds,
caught the eye of a bird I couldn’t name,
saw its beak begin to open.

I wondered if the silence would shatter 
like a pint glass, all splinters and nibs, 
or just split quietly down the middle
like surface ice on a pond.

There’s only one of you.
The unknown bird was staring at me.
I waited for it to cock its head.
It remained still;
a totem carved in the tree.

You want me to repeat that 
don’t you?
mocked a heron
standing on the path,
You think I have ancient grey wisdom
and the key to solitude.

I did.
And I wanted to carry on,
but as his wings opened like a prayer
and he lifted his legs to fly
I froze.

 Click here to acess the podcast version of this blog.



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