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Showing posts from August, 2024


  LET THE SPARKLE SHINE (51) PodBean Link for those who like to listen This morning the air feels fresh and cool. I hunt for a hint of scent, but am instead drawn to the moon screen-printed in milky white on blue sky. As I enjoy the pull of the moon and remember it has been elusive under cloud recently I can still detect no particular hint of herb or grass or leaf. It makes me wonder where the aromas are hiding this morning. I estimate the moon to be half full and on checking find it is just over that at 56% illuminated and tomorrow will be just under at 46%.   Alt Text offers the suggestion that this week’s image is: “A stuffed animal with lights around it.” I say this is the image that summed up how I felt when I completed the first part of my coaching qualification in December 2023. It was a definite shiny, sparkly tingle of the feelings of pride, excitement and joy. I choose to share the same photo now because I have recently successfully co


DO VENTRILOQUISTS TALK TO THEIR DENTISTS DURING TREATMENT? (50)  PodBean Link for those who like to listen Today the air is lightly herbed with rosemary. It is fresh and cool and temporarily free from fumes. An orange cat is adventuring with purpose as a herring gull laughs and I remember looking for a red tinged moon last night in a clouded sky.   Alt Text makes me smile with this week’s suggestion of ‘A person standing in front of a wall of art’ for the photo of me at Qube Gallery in Oswestry where my #ElasticBandPhotos are being exhibited. I’ll take that as accurate.   On Saturday I made my third trip to the Pop-Up Wool Show in Port Sunlight. It was ace for many reasons including: ·       Knowing which bits of set-up I am good at and just getting on with these. ·       My enjoyment of talking to new people. ·       The fact I was not responsible for an alarm system.   Last year I sat down next to someone for a tea break


BEING SOCIABLE AGAIN (49) PodBean Link for those who like to listen This morning the air smells fuschia pink underlined with gently fermenting darkening green grass.   Alt text says this week’s photo is a collage of 2 people. I say it is a montage of four photos of three siblings ensuring they get a couple of sensible photos at the wedding of one of my nephews. I also say it delights me to have had the moments in these photos. It was good to be out in the world being sociable to celebrate the joy of young love with all the guests at a special wedding.   I love weddings, particularly the speeches and the way the words people choose make me tingle at the very humanness of being. My brother, Mark, gave a wonderful address at the end of the ceremony and my sister and I marvelled at his capable public speaking and the way he made us laugh as well as think and celebrate the couple.   When talking about their honeymoon, the bride and groom mentioned that t


  ARTIST SAYS I LIKE PEOPLE TO PLAY WITH MY ART (48) PodBean Link for those who like to listen This morning the air is warm and brings the tiniest tint of tea rose. A hint of mint would have fitted well with today’s photo, but it wasn’t to be.   Alt Text says this week’s image is ‘a paper with text on it’. I say it was the blurb I once read before entering an art exhibition that I was later escorted out of.   Once upon a time I took a trip to an art gallery. I wore my smart jeans and my lime green jacket and was up for having my lunch out. I loved the sound of the exhibition when I read the blurb in this photo. The words “play with it please” and the permission to take a sweet from Felix Gonzalez-Torres Untitled (Portrait of Dad) appealed to me and I was excited to see the works. As did the whole quote from the artist:   “I don’t necessarily know how these pieces are best displayed ... Play with it please. Have fun. Give yourself that f